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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Will Write For Cupcakes

One of my BWFE (best writer friends ever) recently recieved her very first book contract. As if that wasn't terrific enough, the publisher offered her a 3-book deal. I am so proud of Amie Borst and just as excited. This also made me think back to when my first book was published. I realized there are so many "firsts" that I experienced and thought I'd  admit share.

1. Prank or.....
    The very first fan mail ever received I thought it was a prank. Seriously. I thought it was some adult messing around trying to be funny. I didn't think it was from an actual kid. I still responded..but was very doubtful. Those doubts slowly diminished with each fan mail received.

2. Google this...
     An obsession with google. Is my book posted on websites? Are there reviews? Anything going on I just HAD to know about.

3. Reviews, the good, the bad...
    Especially the bad. I always told myself I wouldn't take book reviews personally, as everyone has different tastes and different opions. However, there is no preparing yourself for the first negative review of your book you come across. It was on Goodreads and I really wanted to comment on their review and tell them how wrong they were on so many levels. I think I might have even done that. Maybe. I don't quite. remember.

4. Amazon time...
     Yeah, I might have stalked Amazon a little more than a sane person should have. But then again, having your first published book out there, you tend to think a bit differently.

So i'm sure I could keep going on. And on. And on. But I'll be kind and stop here.

And if you haven't stopped by Amie's blog lately, go visit her! And congratulate her on her upcoming book CINDERSKELLA. The first in her ScaryTales series. Oh, and she is also doing an AMAZING giveaway for writers. Need I say more?

So...who here can relate? Who has experienced a "first?"


Slamdunk said...

Fun post Rose. I can see where authors would need to have excellent restraint regarding the hurtful, biased, and just plain goofy comments that are made about books and such.

Kittie Howard said...

Had to chuckle -- I couldn't keep away from Amazon either after the birth of my first 'baby.' Thanks for this fun post.

Amie Borst said...

Awh! Thanks Rose! What kind, sweet words! And I'm sure when my book comes out I'll be doing exactly the same things that you did! ACK! Is this for realz?