In a few weeks, they will make their debut at an art show I participate in annually. To make things fun, I've decided to hold a Diva Contest! Your mission is to come up with a clever, funny saying for the blank sign the Diva below is holding. Post your entry in the comments, and there's no limit to how many times you can enter! DEADLINE is Friday, September 23rd.
I will narrow down the entries by picking my favorites, and those will be posted on the following Monday. It will be up to all of YOU to vote on your favorite one. So what will the winner receive?
* 8.5 x 10 glossy print, ready to frame
* Recognition on the Doodle Diva website
* Your name in stores! Yes, you will be given credit on every Diva of yours that sells, in stores and at art shows.
If you're unfamiliar with the Divas, take a look at the site for some examples and jump start your creativitiy!
So what are you waiting for?
P.S. If you post as annonymous, please include your email address in the comment!